Jai Bhim – A untold gritty story with so much of heart than head

Suriya as Chandru was brilliant

Cinema is about larger than life! It’s a medium which conveys things about the places, history, people, culture so on and so forth! If it’s a going to be biography would you translate it as it is? The answer is straight no! Because it’s not about the capturing of life ! It’s about the story telling of that life , that people, that agony and that injustice or whatever!

Jai Bhim is about such injustice happened in the history from the eyes of the person who had fought for the justice! The film opens with a strong police action or rather let us call it as “authoritative abuse” on how few set of prisoners are being discriminated and punished again by caste! It sets the tone of the movie! It’s about the victims and the torturers! The oppressed and the oppressors and the system!

Manikandan as Rajakannu

Rajakannu ( a brilliant Manikandan) belongs to a tribe community and leading a life which may not be as per the definition of the system or society! But they live the life with utmost dignity and honesty in their own way! When such life is disturbed for the no mistake of theirs or rather for the selfish behaviour of the power and the people in that power , there needs to be justice ! The film takes the journey of such reaffirmation of the basic constitutional right and the people who have helped in the same ! It’s about the undaunted courage of sengenni( played by lijomol Jose) , spouse of rajakannu , a pregnant lady from Irula community!

Lijimol joss as sengeni

There were quite a number of scenes in the movie to establish the custodial torture of the victims! It might look torturous and overboard! But the crux of the movie lies in those scenes! It’s the extent of the discrimination and the inhumane treatments occurred to them makes the stern heart! And it sets the tone to unfold the inherent injustice in the system!

TJ gnanavel tried to address the other issues posed on this caste/ community! Like the scene, where for education where they had to get a caste certificate to get into reservation ! But they are not able to since it’s not recognised under this to give the certificate! It’s not just the custodial torture was discussed but in and around the community and their issues were trying to be portrayed!

There could have been issues around the case investigation where it’s the lawyer ( Chandru) does more than IG perumalsaamy ( played by Prakash raj) but it’s more of convenience of insisting on point than the movie making grammar itself!

The focus has been on Chandru ( suriya) once the case is being taken over! But nevertheless, the heroism didn’t overshadow the issue! The heroism have been kept at bay through the back doors! Like the scene when sengeni was called up to police station and she have been accompanied by the police to drop her back but she refused to go in the jeep! And the climax when Chandru wants to see sengeni after ruling in favour of the case and she is sitting in the rains like she has been drenched by the emotions around !

Prakash raj as perumalsamy

Manikandan , was absolutely delight to watch as Rajakannu! The vulnerability he had shown during the police custody and at the showcase of courage to stand against the injustice was brilliant! The scene when he expresses the belonging when he says to the wife of the rich man who called up to catch the snakes “ namma Ooru thaanga akka( we all from same place) “, the innocence ! And so lijimol jose to be first in shock! Then moving towards pleading for justice and helpless women! And then fighting for the justice tooth and nail! Finally when breaking out the news or rajakannu’s death she breaks down for the first time! The sheer transformation at different stages was something delightful to watch!

Irula community people

We have seen seen many films which talks about the custodial deaths at jail! Like visaranai, which treats the path of brutality and suspense have evoked varied emotions for that film! And , Jai Bhim evoked the people who hold the pride in their caste and slapped it on their face! But whether it would really make the changes? I doubt but definitely have stirred up the focus on these marginalised people to live their life with pride and dignity! Thanks to gnanavel and Suriya to take out this subject and did brilliantly!

Author: gowthamanmoviebuff

A chartered accountant by choice! A critic writer by chance! Loves watching movies and discussing about that! Some day out of the blue came this dangerous thinking of writing reviews for the movies! Thought that would experiment here!

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